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What you should know about cataracts

Cataracts in Edmonton

Eyes work a lot like a camera wherein the light rays focus through the lens onto the retina. Over time, these lenses can become cloudy, obstructing your vision and preventing the light from seamlessly passing through. This is known as a cataract. With the aging demographic in Canada, the number of cataract surgeries performed is predicted to rise considerably. According to a report, the annual volume of cataract surgery would rise from 175,000 cases to 250,000 cases by 2026 in Ontario. There is a high likelihood that these numbers reflect the national trend. The condition itself is painless and is detected during routine eye exams. 


As we age, the lens within the eye can become yellowed or cloudy. It is also common in diseases like diabetes or can be caused by certain medications. Cataracts tend to obscure vision much like a dirty windshield on a car. For most, it is a natural part of the aging process and is correctable. If you are in need of cataract treatment, count on us. Optometrists Clinic Inc in Edmonton has the required team and experience to help you get back your clear vision.

Types of Cataracts

A cataract may develop in the capsule, cortex or nucleus of your eye. Some basic types of cataract which people suffer from are:

Nuclear Sclerotic Cataracts

The term “nuclear” refers to the gradual clouding of the central portion of the nucleus; “sclerotic” refers to the hardening of the lens. This is the most common age-related cataract caused by the hardening and yellowing of the lens. This eye condition changes your eye’s ability to focus but progresses slowly, gradually developing over years. 

Cortical Cataracts

Cortical refers to blurry areas which develop in the cortex, the peripheral edge of the lens. If the water content of the lens changes, fibres create fissures which scatter light and make the vision blurry.

Posterior Subcapsular Cataract

This type of cataract starts as a small opaque area on the posterior of the lens. Subcapsular cataract can hinder your reading and create glare around lights. People suffering from diabetes or who use steroids may develop this condition. 

Causes of Cataracts

Cataracts can be the result of aging or excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, cigarette smoke and trauma. It can develop in both eyes but often at different rates.

Doctor checking for blurry vision problem

Symptoms of Cataract

Cataract might not be fatal but it is detrimental to eyesight. There are various observable signs to understand if you are suffering from this condition. Some of them include:

Blurry vision
Poor night vision
Frequent change in optical power

How is Cataract Treated?

If cataract is diagnosed in the early stages, our optometrists may prescribe new lenses for your glasses for sharp vision. If the cataract interrupts your daily activities, you will be referred to an ophthalmologist for surgical removal of the cataracts.

Book an Appointment Today

Get in touch with us if you are suffering from cataracts. Our team is here to assist you. 

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