JASPER AVE 780‑488‑0944 | CAPILANO 780‑469‑2020 | MAYFIELD 780‑486‑2020 | LEDUC 780‑986‑2020 | WESTLOCK 780‑349‑3702
We want to keep our patients informed of recent funding cuts to optometry, effective February 1, 2025. Alberta Health Services has not increased any compensation since 2017, despite overall inflation of 21.5% in Alberta in that timeframe. Recently they surprised us with multiple cuts for various procedures and appointments, as high as 32% cut in some cases. They have also restricted the number and types of appointments that they will cover. Since we cannot fully absorb this compensation decrease and maintain the same quality of care you’ve come to expect from Optometrists’ Clinic Inc, we will be instituting balance billing. We are trying our best to minimize the impact to patients, some of whom have been seeing us for decades! We would like to thank you for your support over the years and look forward to taking care of your eyes in the future. If you have concerns about these changes, please consider contacting your local MLA.

What you should know about Colour Blindness
Colour Blindness in Edmonton
Colour vision deficiency, commonly referred to as colour blindness, is a condition that affects a person’s ability to perceive or differentiate certain colours. Depending on the type and severity of the condition, a person with colour blindness might be unable to see certain colours or they might look washed out. We offer Enchroma lenses as a way to aid with colour deficiencies. To know more about our treatments and solutions, visit Optometrists Clinic Inc in Edmonton today.
What causes colour blindness?
Colour vision is controlled by light-sensitive cells in your eyes known as cones. There are three types of cone cells, each containing photopigments that perceive either blue, green or red. Colour blindness occurs if one or more of these types of cones is missing or defective.
In most cases, colour blindness is genetic. However, this deficiency can also be triggered by damage to the eye, optic nerve or part of the brain that processes colour. Additionally, your ability to perceive colour can be affected by ageing, certain medications and conditions such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and cataracts.
Are there different types?
There are several variations of colour blindness based on which cones are affected and to what degree. The most common form is red-green colour blindness, which occurs more often in men than women. A person will have red-green colour blindness if either their red or green cones don’t work properly or at all.
Another form of colour vision deficiency is blue-yellow colour blindness. Similar to the red-green variety but much less common, it’s characterized by faulty or absent blue cones. In very rare cases, total colour blindness or monochromacy occurs if all three types of cones are missing, which prevents the person from perceiving colour at all.
What are the symptoms?
Common signs of colour blindness include difficulty or inability to distinguish between different colours or different shades and tones of the same colour. If someone is born with colour blindness, however, it’s often their parents or others around them who will first notice the condition. This usually occurs at a young age when the child is learning their colours.
How is colour blindness diagnosed?
Colour blindness is typically diagnosed during a comprehensive eye exam. One of the tests involves showing the person a series of images composed of multi-coloured dots, known as pseudoisochromatic plates. If the person has colour blindness, they won’t be able to see certain patterns within the images.
Can it be treated?
There isn’t a cure for hereditary colour blindness. If the deficiency is caused by an underlying condition, treatment for the disease could help improve colour vision. However, most people with colour blindness learn to adapt. In some cases, special tinted glasses or contact lenses can be worn to help distinguish between colours.

Speak with an optometrist in Edmonton
Colour blindness is often diagnosed in kids, so if you suspect your child has colour blindness, schedule a pediatric consultation at Optometrists Clinic Inc. Alternatively, if you’re the one affected and your colour blindness is the result of cataracts, an optometrist can treat the condition with eyeglasses or surgery to improve your vision. For more information about our services, contact us today or visit one of our eye centres in Capilano, Leduc, Jasper, Mayfield and Westlock.