As the pollen, dust and dander start kicking up outside, so do your allergies. While some people just suffer from sneezing or the occasional stuffy nose, others have allergies that affect their eyes as well, thus making spring time miserable. If your redness and itching become severe or you notice a puss-like discharge from your eyes, get an eye exam right away. It is not uncommon for people to mistake an infection for allergies.
Common Eye Allergy Symptoms
Clear or watery discharge
Blurred vision
What Triggers Eye Allergies?
Most eye allergies are caused by harmless substances in the air. These substances only affect those who are predisposed to allergic reactions. Some common triggers of eye allergies can include:
Outdoor Allergens - Pollens, mold, and dust from trees, weeds, flowers, and grass.
Indoor Allergens - Pet dander, mold, dust mites and indoor plants.
Irritants - Such as perfumes, cigarette smoke, cosmetics, eye drops or exhaust fumes.
Food allergies and insect bite allergies do not affect the eyes like airborne allergens.
Tips for Treating Eye Allergies this Season
Whether your eye allergies are severe or mild, you will want to do what you can to relieve the symptoms. If you wear contacts,most eye doctors will recommend avoiding them during allergy season because they may irritate your eyes further. Daily contact lenses (ones that are only used once before you throw them away) can be another good option for allergy sufferers.
Some ways you can treat and manage your allergies include:
Avoiding Triggers - If you know what causes your eye allergy symptoms, avoid those triggers. That may mean keeping windows closed on high-pollen days, wearing glasses to keep irritants away from the eyes, and always remembering to wash your hands before touching your eyes.
Control the Symptoms - There are many effective ways to treat eye allergy symptoms, and your Doctor of Optometry can help you decide what is right for you. Some treatments, such as artificial tears and cold compresses, can be used without a prescription. There are also some effective prescription eye drops that your optometrist can prescribe as well.
Get an early start on preventing eye allergies. Visit your optometrist or local eye doctor to see how you can reduce your sensitivity. The Optometrists’ Clinic Inc. is here to help. From providing eyewear to maintaining ocular health, we are here for your vision care year-round. Contact us at one of our convenient locations to learn more or to book your optometrist visit.